Print hold jobs and HDD store jobs using the system’s Touch panel.
The following is recommended
Target Jobs
Hold jobs, HDD store jobs
Press [JOB LIST].
Press [Hold Job].
Select a job to output, and press [Output].
For details about the icons displayed in the list, refer to [Hold Job].
Press [Multi-Sel.] to select multiple jobs.
Press [All Select] when you want to select all jobs.
Add a check mark to [With Job Delete] when you want to delete the job as soon as it is output.
If you want to output using the hold job settings, add a check mark to [Direct Output], and then press [Output] to begin printing.
Set the [Output Method] and [Target].
For details about [Output Method], refer to [Output Method].
For details about [Target], refer to [Target].
If multiple jobs are selected, [Specify Sheet] is not available.
Proceed to Step 5 if you selected [Specify Sheet] for [Target]. Proceed to Step 6 if you selected [All Sheets] .
Enter the number of copies using the Keypad on the Control panel, and press [OK].
If multiple jobs are selected, the number of copies column displays "- - - -". The specified number of copies is applied to all the currently selected jobs.
The number of copies set for the hold jobs is left as-is.
If you selected [Wait] for [Output Method] in Step 4, press Start on the Control panel to resume printing.
Printing begins.
Press [RECALL].
Select a job to be recalled, and press [Recall].
If the target folder or box is password-protected, enter the password.
Press [Multi-Sel.] to select multiple jobs.
Press [All Select] when you want to select all jobs. All jobs are selected and [Multi-Sel.] is inverted instead.
Set the [Output Method], [Output Method to Print], and [Target].
For details about [Output Method] and [Output Method to Print], refer to [Output Method].
For details about [Target], refer to [Target].
Proceed to Step 4 if you selected [Specify Sheet] for [Target]. Proceed to Step 5 if you selected [All Sheets] .
Enter the number of copies using the Keypad on the Control panel, and press [OK].
If multiple jobs are selected, the number of copies column displays "- - - -". The specified number of copies is applied to all the currently selected jobs.
The number of copies set for the HDD store jobs is left as-is.
If you selected [Wait] for [Output Method to Print] in Step 3, press Start on the Control panel to resume printing.
Printing begins.