Each of the tools used in the print function of the system that were introduced on Overview of Print Workflow have their own set of features.
Use the table below to crosscheck the intended usage and environment, and select the most appropriate print tool accordingly.
Tool | Touch panel (machine store jobs) | Printer driver | AccurioPro Hot Folder | Machine hot folder | AccurioPro Print Manager |
Installation | - | Printer driver | Printer driver AccurioPro Hot Folder | - | - |
Access method | - | - | Use icons and folders created on a computer | Use folders created on the Image Controller HDD over a network | Web access (using a web browser) Touch panel [CNTL] |
Print setting method | Configure the print settings for jobs in the job list using the Touch panel | Configure the print settings using the printer driver | Create icons and folders with print settings registered to them on a computer using AccurioPro Hot Folder | Create a folder to which print settings have been registered using AccurioPro Print Manager on the Image Controller HDD | Edit the print settings after saving in the folder |
Printing command method | Give a command to begin printing the jobs in the job list using the Touch panel | Give a command to begin printing using the printer driver | Drag and drop print jobs into created folders and icons Select a job and right-click, and then select Print | Use the network to access the folder created on the Image Controller HDD, and drag and drop the print job | Select a job from the AccurioPro Print Manager job list screen, and give a command to begin printing Drag jobs from a computer and drop them in the AccurioPro Print Manager [Active] job list (if using a browser) |
How to save print settings | Save to created jobs | Register to [Favorite Setting] | Save to created folders and icons | Save to created folders | Save to created jobs |
Security (Confidentiality) | A password is required to access password protected folders or boxes when storing in HDD. | If you select [Secure Print], a password is required in AccurioPro Print Manager to print. For details, refer to Secure Printing | Do not set created folders to be shared folders | Set access authentication for the folders If you select [Secure Print], a password is required to print. | A password is required to access secure jobs or password protected folders or boxes. |
Shared settings | All jobs except password-protected jobs can be shared | If you store a job as a hold job or HDD store job during printing, it is stored on the Image Controller HDD where it can then be shared | Set the created folder to be a shared folder | Add a check mark to [Guest] in [Authentication Setting] for the folder | All jobs except secure jobs and password-protected jobs can be shared |
Details |